24chambers is part of 24classics where we are dedicated to making classical music new. founded in February 2017, 24chambers is a concert series and a streaming platform, featuring today’s best young musicians.
The concert locations are announced on the day of the concert. All the concerts are invite-only with a very limited capacity, so make sure you are on the guestlist by requesting an invite.
All questions & remarks about the streamings, concerts, sponsorships, support, partnership, etc. can be sent to our office at 24classics.
24chambers is an initiative of 24classics Foundation. Main support by SENA Performers. Also supported by BNG Cultuurfonds, Het Kersjes Fonds, M.A.O.C. Gravin van Bylandt Stichting en Stichting Halbertsma-Santee Thedinga. Drinks by Salmari and local craft beers like Oedipus.
SENA Performers – Fair Streaming
SENA is committed to musicians and producers rights, and dedicates itself to a fair payment for more than 25.000 rights holders in the Netherlands. Musicians are payed a fair fee in case their music is being broadcasted, thanks to SENA licensing. All musicians performing at 24chambers receive a royalty for the online broadcast of their performance.