Welcome to 24chambers: where the music is classic, the crowd is small and the drinks are free!
Join us at one of our 24chambers concerts, request a free invite below: ✌️

Get your personal invite

24chambers happens almost every month. All concerts are filmed and a limited number of people can join us offline. You can join us at our upcoming concert by sending us the filled-out invite on this page. You will be contacted via text message if you are on the guest list. Follow @24classics to see who will be performing next in which city and when.

Upcoming 24chambers Guestlist

Just a couple of days before a concert you will receive a text message to join us. If you’d like to come, make sure to text us back in time to secure your spot on the guestlist. As more people become aware of 24chambers, we see more people missing out. When you are on the list, you will receive the location of the concert, usually just a couple of hours before.

We need your mobile phone number in order to update you on the location and to check at the door if you are the one on the guest list. We will not use your phone number for anything else or sell it to third parties.

word ook Kleine Vriend
€5 per maand

meer dan 180 mensen
gingen je voor!